Saturday, December 26, 2009

Domestic Fire Sprinklers Is It Legal/acceptable To Collect Wood From Public Byways For Use On A Domestic Fire?

Is it legal/acceptable to collect wood from public byways for use on a domestic fire? - domestic fire sprinklers

I live in the southwest of England. I have a fireplace in the lounge. Court records (local businesses, traders at the roadside, etc.) costs about EUR 2.50 per bag. But there's much, much dead wood or wood that has been uprooted trees on the streets. Is it legal or socially acceptable that everyone is trying to burn? I tried and people have given some pretty weird looks. Is it better to leave him alone because he has a natural habitat for wildlife? I am definitely not talking about chopping wood for the life (or even the cutting of dead wood), picking only the things on the bottom left.


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