Thursday, February 11, 2010

Nipple Piercings NIpple Piercings?

NIpple Piercings? - nipple piercings

I pulled my nipple rings and I have this liquid that during pregnancy the mother's milk is like there. Shop for all the nipple and ring. Have you any idea what can be stopped or I do?


sunshine said...

I would say, go see a doctor just to do better .. Safe then sorry

1~n^l^u... said...

yah, go to your doctor.

Rat P... said...

give him time to heal

Zach M said...

I like going to the doctor

xzone fan.. said...

go to the doctor. like a walk in the clinic.

nympheta... said...

Go find the piercer there are some things that could be, but without seeing, it is impossible to say. I do not think this is something that should worry, but go just to be safe. If it is recommended that it be something serious perforation, consult your doctor.

Keep the jewelry in. It sounds like an infection, but if it is taking the jewelry can catch the infection in your body, making an abscess.

harmony said...

which might be infected. neospornin try hydrogen peroxide. Place the ring at the top is gone

liselotte b said...

they enter into an undertaking - nothing evil or may have hyperprolactinemia with a brain tumor, or the weather is simply wrong month.
go visit a doctor.
Never this nonsense, please. I'm talking about nipple piercings.

gerdie65 said...

Ask your doctor.

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